A few days ago, Joe and I -finally- got the yard mowed. We haven't mowed it since late June. We were going to mow it in early July, but my bout w/ kidney stones stopped that, then we were going to mow in mid-to-late july, but then my schedule didn't give us enough time to get it done and have one of us not asleep for child-duty (me), then we were going to do it in early August, but then West Nile Virus was rampant in our area (well, not super rampant, but several confirmed cases in our county), so FINALLY we got it done this week.
While mowing the meter high weeds near the back of the house, Joe discovered lots of little lizards and frogs. And being Joe, he brought one inside to show Zbug
"WTH?!?!" |
"I'll get you my pretty, and your little Frog too!" |
So after boinging around the house w/ Zbug in hot pursuit, I finally made Joe recapture the little Froggy and set it free.
Now, go out and eat all the ookie bugs Froggy!
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