So I'm helping Bub make orange koolaid. even tho he won't hold up just 3
fingers when I ask him how many is three he stops getting more sugar
after putting three 1/4 c. sugar into the pitcher. I think I can safely
assume he DOES in fact understand the concept of "how many is three"
(small flashback to the song on sesame street where the baker drops all
his pastries over himself as he walks down the stairs...seriously...why
would you carry 12 banana cream pies down a flight of stairs all by
yourself?!?!?)song of three
Anyhow....While I'm adding the water Z comes over to see the action. I didn't actually see this, but this is my interpretation of what happened, because I turned around to a double scream and Bub holding his pointer finger out like it hurt....
I think Bub decided to be naughty and stick his finger in Z's mouth. Z has had enough of Bub sticking his finger in her mouth, and bit down. hard.
Bub's crying, Z is looking confused and I am trying so hard not to laugh, spill the koolaid, and call for Joe to come over and help, and stop Bub before he starts hitting someone or something with his hurt finger because that's what he does when he's hurting.
I fail at not laughing.
I succeed in keeping Bub from hitting people or things. Bub is mad at me for laughing, but then decides to laugh bc Momma laughing is pretty funny. (at least I don't snork when I laugh...)
Oh the joys of my kiddos...
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