Today Joe & I struggled w/ whether or not to brave a church service, and then if we did, what church to go to. We have been struggling with this for a few months for various reasons, one of which that we publicly acknowledge is that the standard 10-11am service start times really wreck havoc on Zber's nap and the rest of our day is that much harder...and as I have stated before, Sundays are typically hard.
Anyhow, we decided to suck it up and go to our "home" church, mainly because I didn't feel up to being in "make new friends while struggling w/ my run-away son" mode. it gets hard. I have to be super cheery to do it. I'm not super cheery lately. so we get to church, Zber makes a dash for the nursery...what? She really wanted to be in the nursery. who am I to argue w/ my child when she gets a stubborn streak surpassing only her father's? fine, the lady in the nursery is wonderful, and just loves Zber, so one less distraction to deal w/ while dealing w/ Bub. I get asked if I want another cat. ???? no. Then I get into the sanctuary and note it is set up for a concert. My whole soul drops to the bottom of my feet. Bub does not deal w/ loud music well. Grandma and Grandpa aren't here. I prepare to leave within 5 min of the music starting. I hate doing that. I gear myself up for this, and I will be leaving almost as soon as I get there.
Here is the amazing part: It was a family that played bluegrass. Bub was completely mesmerized by this family and their music. He sat the whole time and listened. no fussing. no screaming. no trying to run away. He wanted to hold both Joe and my hands. He wanted me to help him clap in time w/ the music. He clapped between the songs all by himself w/o any prompting that it was time to clap.
We gave them a large (for us) donation.
I was teary eyed watching Bub enjoy himself so much.
I am a sap.
The music itself was very inspirational.
I need to trust more that God is giving me the right directions, even when I don't feel up to following them and I'm dragging my feet.
After the service I brought Bub up to the leader of the family (the dad) and told him that Bub has never liked live music and has never sat thru an entire service w/o fussing, and that he loved the music so much. I asked Bub to say "Thank you", and Bub signed "Thank you" and shook his hand. He asked if Bub was deaf, and I had to explain that Bub has autism, and that he can hear and understand fine, he just can't/won't talk *we're still trying to decide that one*. He gave us a CD, but I had Joe put some extra cash in the CD donation box.
If you can inspire my son that much, I will throw money at you. Even tho I'm mostly broke.
If you get a chance check out their website.... The Hartley Family
As always Joe and I got into a "mock" argument about whether or not bluegrass is country. My stand is that it isn't...bluegrass is to country as dixie is to jazz. Joe laughed at me. I know he thinks he's right. I'll let him think it if it makes him happy, cuz right now...I am super happy.
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