I chopped off my hair. it's really short. I like it, but am in shock a little over my daringness. I typically am much more mild-mannered. I was/am the "straight-man" to most of my daring friends. ( I tend to be drawn to daring people without being daring typically). The one who said "ok guys, this is a BAD idea" and then proceeded to lock myself away from the naughtiness...mostly. The few times in my life I have done something daring, I have always had positive things happen as a result, so I don't know why I shy away from that side of myself so often. Maybe I don't want to push my luck? and just save up all the chances for one big hurrah? not sure, but I found it funny that most of my co-workers didn't recognize me until they saw me face on last night. hee. I guess you got to be shocking and unexpected every now and then just to keep people guessing.
before the chop |
after the chop |
*mommy moment*
Isn't my sweet Z photogenic? awww....
*end mommy moment*
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