Friday, August 22, 2008

1st day and already feeling overwhelmed....

So, I had nursing school boot-camp day #1 today. The whole day was in a nutshell...

" This is going to be hard as hell. You better study....we're going to make sure you study your A** off ... we're going to be SOOOO in your business with ALL kinds of support systems in place to make sure you you better study....."

I'm not kidding. I am exaggerating a one actually used any profanity at all today. but the rest is pretty dead on.

I have a web site that I have to study on, and it tracks what I will do, and how long I spend doing it for at least one of my instructors....

I have loaded all my books onto my laptop and I can access all my textbooks online so even if I forget a book at home, I can read it if I have my laptop or even access to a public computer.

I had to figure out how to make an exception to my firewall to get that feature to work.

But I am Red riding hood in "into the woods"...."excited and scared" ....remember.... "nice is different from good."

I expect I am tired.

BUT!!!! One of my classmates is going to give me a few contact names of semi-local speech therapists! Yayee! I hope one of them will work out to have bub get extra speech therapy beyond what he will be receiving in school. to you all...from a very tired nina....

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