If only he would look at the camera....

This was a few wks ago at Cousin K's school's "Fall Fest". Mr. Man did not get the games.
Here's what happened on the big slide...

Child stampede. It took 10 min for cousin K to literally pull Bub up by his arms to get to the top. & then when she got him to the bottom, he just sat there & got pummeled by older kids. He thought it was funny....
We tried to get him to play the the "fishing well" game. He ran away with the fishing pole.
We tried to get him to play the "lollipop tree" (as you can tell from the last post, he loves his lollies). He tried to grab every lolly off the "tree".
We saw the duck pond game, but decided not to try it in case Bub thought is was bath time...
So we used the rest of our tickets on junk food...
I couldn't resist adding this last shot. Joe didn't realize the hat was on his head until we got home. :)