Sunday, July 30, 2017

Last Front Tooth

Today Bug lost her last front tooth. She was working it at church.  I got her to stop for a while b/c she agreed that loosing her tooth in church would be too messy...because blood.


After church we went to Walmart because yesterday Kroger didn't have the gf version of "ramen" Bub likes...  Oh, did I not share that before?  Yeah, we're pretty much gluten free again (except for stuff Joe can't live ramen)

My wonderful friend Patti (Happy Birthday Patti) shared with me this rice noodle-packet that looks and cooks like ramen (One of Bub's favorite snacks).  However, the "Flavor packet" is HOT, as in "Burn-me-as-it-exits-my-system" Bub won't use that, but thankfully, I found a gf chicken soup base that he will use and likes.   AND it's relatively affordable at Sam's in a big tub....which is good, except that it's in a big tub....  puff

Anyhow- Walmart- Zbug->  She's working that tooth all over Walmart as Joe and I pull out frozen GF meals and ask Bub, "Would you eat this?"  with him responding by Screaming at us when we show him a box. 

3 people left the frozen department isle we were in after we showed him the 3rd box....

After showing him at least 10 frozen meals (which is actually a VERY IMPRESSIVE # of choices) I ask him to show me something he would be willing to eat.   ...
Chicken nuggets.

Tater tots.

Frozen corn.

Sometimes I just want to bang my head over and over and over.....

As we are leaving, Zbug is still working that tooth.  As soon as we get home and pull into the garage and close the door, little Buggie-boo smiles a big bloody smile at me...

"It's Out Mommie!" 

I only have $1.00 cash on me tonight.


I think the $1 will include a note encouraging a visit to the dollar store r/t the many wonders it contains.....

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